Become a Leschetizky Association Member

Members of the Leschetizky Association are lovers of live classical music. We are piano teachers and students, amateur and professional pianists, concert connoisseurs, and music historians.

Musicians and music lovers of every age and ability discover a rich community of peers through our performances and social gatherings.

Join us today!

Membership Plans

Celebrate Live Music in Community

We provide opportunities for performance, social connections, and musical enjoyment for musicians and music lovers of all ages.

As a member of the Leschetizky Association, you will receive admission to inspiring live performances throughout the year, featuring renowned classical pianists in solo recital and also in chamber ensemble, as well as jazz musicians. After the concert, you can enjoy the reception and mingle with the musicians and like-minded music lovers.

Leschetizky famously hosted bi-weekly Classes for his students, at which they could try out their pieces before a discerning audience of fellow-students and distinguished guests. Such preparatory performances are key to a successful public concert.

Following in this tradition, we sponsor many performance opportunities for students of members—Youth Concerts and the adjudicated Gifted Young People’s Concerts for pupils 18 and younger, and the Artist Student Recital for members’ students 18 and older. Furthermore, our members host Members Musicales in their homes and studios, where amateur pianists can cultivate friendships and connections around a shared dedication to piano performance. Members play for one another informally in these sessions, encouraging and celebrating one another’s musical progress. Lately members who live out of town may join in or listen in to these meetings via Zoom. Those whose participation has particularly impressed the committee perform in a season’s-end members recital.

Uplift Upcoming Generations of Classical Pianists

Your patronage supports young and aspiring artists in expanding their musical potential and expressing the joy of music.

Our concert series includes the Annual Leschetizky Birthday Recital, which features dynamic up-and-coming artists in a solo or shared program. Other recitals showcase our concert artist members, many of whom travel from afar to play on our series in New York. Many of our members were students of Leschetizky pupils and their pupils, and so perpetuate his ideals and tradition of teaching and performance.

Our biennial, international, Concert Competition ‘Theodor Leschetizky’ sponsors a gifted young pianist, 17 and younger, in a full concerto performance with orchestra in New York City. Winners and runners-up also receive cash prizes and other performance opportunities.  This is a huge career-building opportunity for a young pianist and a   wonderful experience. Unfortunately, due to Covid restrictions, the competition has been suspended.  Please check the competition site for updates.  We hope to offer it again soon.

Our Association depends upon membership dues and donations to provide these opportunities and programs.  All proceeds from concert tickets and program fees go toward the costs of our offerings.  The Leschetizky Association Debut Fund, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, so all donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.  Your membership dues may be deductible as a business expense.  

Your membership is a wonderful contribution in itself; any and all donations are much appreciated and will help us continue to offer this array of programs for performers, teachers, students, and music-loving concert-goers.

Preserve Leschetizky’s Legacy

Your participation will help Leschetizky’s musical ideals to continue to inform and inspire a new generation of pianists.

We’ve preserved this impressive heritage not only through our events, but also through the Leschetizky Archives and our News Bulletin.

We maintain a museum’s worth of Leschetizky memorabilia, including many photographs, original scores, correspondence with contemporaries, his hand-written programs of performance classes and parties, his personal calendars for many years, and more. These items are in the process of being digitized.

Our annual news magazine, mailed to all members, features items from the archives, scholarly articles of interest to pianists, musicologists, and historians, and biographical writings about Leschetizky and his musical descendants. Examples of his piano pieces are often included as well.

Many of the most renowned pianists and distinguished teachers have been trained in the Leschetizky lineage. Several have served on our advisory council over the decades, supporting each successive generation of performers in keeping this exceptional musical tradition alive.